Global Positioning System Project (NDGPS). / Specialist Performance and Accomplishments: * Department of Homeland Security: Provided software services for the United States Coast Guard Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System: Engineering, Development, Testing, Troubleshooting, Research and Deployment. o Recognized as a key player in the initial and ongoing success of the said system. o Recognized as an expert software engineer and subject matter expert for Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM SC104) software engineering, analysis and design, programming, testing, and troubleshooting. o Leading Subject Matter Expert and single source of comprehensive knowledge for RTCM/RSIM (Reference Station & Integrity Monitor) bi-directional network socket communications between the United States Coast Guard's Nationwide Control Stations and (upwards of 90) DGPS broadcast sites. * Department of Homeland Security: Provided comprehensive Software Engineering and Database Architecture Services for the Office Workload Manager (OWL) Project (self-created from the conception to implementation). OWL is comprehensive OER creation tool centralized around a relational SQL Server database with ASP.Net web framework using Visual Basic. This OWL system/program/usage is projected to grow drastically in the next several months throughout the DHS. * United States Coast Guard: Provided Oracle 10g Data Warehouse Development services based on set system requirements for the U.S. Coast Guard's Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System Data Warehouse Project (DGPS Analytical Reporting Tool / NDGPS - aka DART). Services include Data Modeling and reports creation using the following, extensively: PL/SQL, HTMLDB/APEX, ASP.NET (Visual Basic, C#, and Ajax), Dundas Suite, and Oracle 10g (including but not limited to Oracle Grid, Oracle Forms, and Oracle Enterprise Manager). * United States Air Force: Provided comprehensive software engineering solutions for the Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Separation (SEOS) project. This project involved leveraging low level C++ and x86 Assembly code to control a highly complex SEOS machine with a proprietarily insulated core that reached temperatures of over 700 degrees C. Intense mathematical algorithms were devised to control the delicate heating and cooling processes while precisely triggered application threads handled the valves, pumps, n-hexane sensors, et al facets of the machinery. A Visual C++/MFC touch-screen interface was created for ease of system input. Software Engineer / Advanced 3D Parametric Spatial Modeler / Inventor Project structured around an Oracle 9i database with a total of ten custom applications all of which have been personally designed Software Documentation types including PDL Test Plans Structure Charts and UML diagrams. * NAVSEA: Provided advanced 3D Parametric Spatial Modeling services for the 688 class attack submarines. Work involved the understanding and employment of advanced spatial and mathematical concepts to facilitate the discrete development of structural elements and simulations. * Patent: Invented/Devised working automation system for light gage structural steel framing/engineering (Patent Pending).

