Occupation:Construction Trade Worker Manager |
Location:Abilene, TX |
Education Level:High School/GED |
Will Relocate:YES |
With 10 years' experience in all phases of the pipeline industry and utility construction I am consistent in developing innovative teamwork and safety. I have the ability to direct all pipeline projects. Have strong leadership skills. Emphasis on Environmental and Right of Way issues and concerns. Lead EI completed 8-16-2015 Good for 2 years >30 hour OSHA training Completed 8-15-2015 good for 4 years >NCCR Certified and OQ Abnormal Operating conditions Natural gas and Petroleum Products #7086811 Also explosives Expires 2018 >Veriforce OQ Apply Approved Coatings Damage Prevention, Ditching, Field Bending, Grading, Install CP Leads on Pipeline using Exothermic Weld, Installation of Cathodic Protection, Lowering Pipe into Ditch, Backfilling, Clean up, Locate of foreign Utilities.EXP.7-7-2017 >West Texas Safety Training Center H2S wtstc id# 130317 Environmental Overseeing 5.5 miles of 42" pipeline for FERC observing the installation of pipeline threw the streams wetlands and tribs on our project also sending good accurate documentation to my chief inspector and weekly documentation to FERC.

