CAREER HIGHLIGHTS USDA CVB, Ames, IA 2014 - Present global vaccine manager Administer daily activities of vaccine stockpiles to ensure suitability and availability of vaccines and diagnostics in the event of animal health emergencies. Prepare solicitations and provide technical review (including safety and efficacy data) of proposals for avian influenza, classical swine fever, Rift valley fever, and other vaccines. Prepare Statements of Work to procure vaccines for the National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS) and North American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Bank. Assemble lead panels to advise the NVS which vaccines to purchase. Conduct domestic and international onsite inspections to determine if manufacturers are meeting terms of contracts. Served as the Authorized Departmental Officer's Designated Representative for the U.S. 2015 - 2016 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak reviewed all financial plans/bills/invoices/statements for Iowa turkey and caged layer producers. ADODRs were the only individuals authorized to approve payments to producers. Key Achievements Member of several key initiatives to control and eradicate animal diseases, including the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Interagency Coordination Working Group, National Veterinary Stockpile, Veterinary Services Training and Exercise Planning Committee, and the North American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Bank Technical Committee and Emergency Management Working Group. Frequently prepare Decision Memoranda for signatures of APHIS Deputy Administrator, Dr. Shere, Associate Deputy Administrator, Dr. Lautner, or CVB Director, Dr. Rippke

Work Experience
Idexx Laboratories Inc. | Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager (Sram) | 1/2012 - 1/2014 |
Novartis Animal Health (Nah) | Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager (Sram) | 1/2011 - 1/2012 |


Job Skills
