Led 53 cyber warriors and five work centers sustaining $136 million data and voice network information infrastructure servicing 24,000 military & civilian personnel * Planned and directed Head Quarters Air Combat Command $60 million communications upgrade project * Drove $7.4 million Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility construction planned and coordinated communications install increased TS access 25% for 187 Special Access Programs members Piloted Base Operations radio upgrade improving safety contributing to vital 1st Fighter Wing passing rating during 2009 Air Traffic System Evaluation Program inspection * Created client systems tiger team which completed over 4,000 support requests in less than two months slashed maintenance backlog 39% and user wait time from 21 to 4 days * Rebuilt squadron Quality Assurance program from ground up simplified checklists and evaluation procedures and reduced squadron wide deficiencies by 40% * Developed detailed training guide for new personnel streamlining on the job training time and producing fully trained technicians in three months * Assembled 12-person team to complete a major sensor overhaul. Completed the work in six months instead of allotted 12 months * Led team of six inspecting 279 mobility folders identified and fixed over 400 discrepancies resulting in zero discrepancies during Operational Readiness Inspection mobility processing Identified analyzed and reported management and equipment deficiencies of communications systems worth $140M * Revamped work center training program to eliminate personnel slow progression as well as ensure 100% coverage of all work center tasks Inspected tested and adjusted weapon security system components to meet or exceed technical order standards Hand-picked to travel to evaluate and ultimately select intrusion detection systems for initial F-22 bed-down at Tyndall Air Force Base *


Job Skills
