Occupation:Customer Service Representative |
Location:Tampa, FL |
Education Level:Associate |
Will Relocate:YES |
QUALIFICATIONS UMMARY Highly personable travel professional with over twenty-five years of experience in call-center operations within the travel, banking, and wireless communications industries P M a a i c t U D o E and roject anagement s n ndependent ontractor o S ept. f ducation. * t m m p c Ability o anage ultiple riorities oncurrently. * b p i r Successfully uilds roductive nterpersonal elationships. * t c e Ability o ommunicate ffectively. * t d a f o a Attentive o etails nd ocused n ccuracy. * e c s t b c s a Delivers xceptional ustomer ervice o uild ustomer atisfaction nd loyalty. * p a o s Strong lanning nd rganizational kills. * i r e c s i a c Expertise n esolving scalated ustomer ervice ssues nd onflict resolution. * D a C b Architectural rafting nd ADD ackground * I P a c d o o a f Logistics, nventory, urchasing, nd oordinating aily perations f ood pantry. * w M O S ( Proficient ith icrosoft ffice ystems including icrosoft ord, icrosoft M W M M P M A a o o e Excel, icrosoft owerPoint, icrosoft ccess), nd ther ffice quipment p and eripherals. T

