Occupation:Physical Scientist |
Location:Bolingbrook, IL |
Education Level:Doctorate |
Will Relocate:YES |
Looking for a job of Senior Data Scientist/Senior Machine Learning Expert/Senior Role in Supercomputing Skills: (* 25+ years experience in HPC/52+ publications) Multidisciplinary Knowledge Operational Transformation, (OT) algorithms, DevOps, SciOps, R, Python, C/C++, Machine Learning Algorithms (and necessary Statistics), MPI, OpenMP, Linear/Nonlinear solvers, Modeling of Complex Systems (such as full scale nuclear reactors and multiphysics systems), Programming Models for Exascale Architectures, Low Synchronization Architectures/Algorithms, Computational Steering, In-situ Visualization, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Aeroacoustics, Rocket Propulsion.

• 2009 R&D 100 Award as a co-developer of PETSc • Gordon Bell Prize (Special Category), Supercomputing, November 1999 (also a finalist in November 2009). • Givens Fellowship, US Department of Energy, Summer 1997 and Fall 1998. • GAANN Fellowship, US Department of Education, 1996-1998.Companies I like:

Job Skills

