Major Accomplishments: Achieved sizable cost reductions and cost avoidance through process improvements and contract negotiations improving service delivery and customer satisfaction. Created and fostered a challenging and rewarding customer-focused work environment that attracted, motivated, and retained an extremely high-caliber team of IT professionals. May 2001 - Apr 2006, Program Manager, NGA, Engineering and Acquisition Directorate, Reston, VA * Program Manager of three major NGA's imagery technology developmental programs: 1) US Southern Command, Theater Imagery Archive (TIA), (2) the Department of Energy (DOE) innovative digital Imagery exploitation architecture, and 3) Test Director for the Common Imagery Ground Surface System (CIGSS). These three programs had a combined multi-million dollar budgets. I supervised a team of test engineer, systems and network engineers and served as the contracting technical representative. * Systems Engineer. Led and developed the TIA host nation Local Area Network (LAN) to support intelligence imagery collection, analysis and imagery products. Led the development of ITA and DOE imagery systems. Test and Evaluation Director and Certified Officer for Chaired the CIGS Integrated Team and obtained approval from OSD for CIGSS Test & Evaluation Master Plan. * Major Contributions: Secured OMB's multi-million funding budget for the DOE imagery exploitation System. Build and deployed the TIA LAN/WAN network architecture. Obtained approvals of the first OSD CAPSTONE Test and Evaluation Master Plan. DOD AT&L certification approval of military services tactical airborne ground segment imagery collection, exploitation and dissemination platforms. May 2000 - May 2001, Systems Engineer, DOD, Office of the Secretary of Defense (AT&L), Directorate of Systems Engineering & Interoperability - Pentagon, Washington, DC * Systems Engineer resident expert. Reviewed and assed Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) reports. * Representative of the DOD Systems Engineering community at several meetings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) G-11 Standards Sub-Committee and at the 47th International Symposium on Products and Quality Integrity - the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) Participated in the review of international standards, particularly from a systems reliability, maintainability, supportability, and logistic support position * Conducted oversight and review of the Reliability Analysis Center Charter under OSD/AT&L SE oversight responsibility. * Maintained systems engineering liaison with several Departments including DISA, JITC, C3I, Joint Staff, DOT&E, OUSD (AT&L) S&TS/DT&E, and the Military Services and Industry to promote the principles of systems reliability, maintainability, supportability, logistics, interoperability, and test and evaluation. * Reviewed and evaluated industry, military and academia current systems engineering practices. * Initiated policy recommendations related to systems engineering practices for major weapon systems, related to systems engineering quality, reliability, maintainability, logistics, risk management, interoperability, and value engineering. * Prepared and coordinated inputs for OSD planning policy documentation related to Mission Area Summaries, Program Decision Memoranda, and Six-Year Defense Plans and Budget decisions. * Briefed high-level DOD officials on Systems Engineering and Systems Interoperability recommendations. Major Accomplishments: Developed a proposal that evolved into the introduction of an Interoperability Indicator into the DAES reporting procedures. May 1980 - April 2000, Defense Mapping agency (DMA), National Imagery Mapping Agency (NIMA, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Multiple Job assignments with summary of accomplishments.