As an Epic Care Ambulatory-certified professional, I aspire to apply my experience in the Ambulatory application to a variety of diverse implementation areas. I have acquired over 3 years of build/implementation experience in the Ambulatory application as an Epic Care Build Analyst, Implementation Coordinator & eClincalWorks Support Specialist. I look forward to rewarding opportunities to work in other challenging Epic environments. Relevant Experience/Expertise - Certified Epic Ambulatory Analyst (v2015) - Epic Ambulatory Data Courier - Ambulatory (EpicCare) Go-Live Support - Network & Systems Administrator - Ambulatory (EpicCare) Trainer - Microsoft Office Suite 2007/2010 (Expert) - Ambulatory (Epic Care) SmartTool - Helpdesk Support Specialist/Manager - Data Flow & Process Mapping (Workflows) - Hardware/Software Technician (Credentialed) - Major Software/Systems Implementations - Proficient in the use of Hyperspace & Text side - Epic Ambulatory "Build" experience - Clinical Documentation (Out-Patient)

