Accomplishments Training Program Development * Designed Power Points used as classroom instruction during newly instituted Electrical Maintenance Training program * Developed task performance guidelines used in labs to reinforce classroom instruction * Created Operations Training for newly installed and upgraded power plant components to enhance operator knowledge * Actively sought and implemented feedback to ensure availability of high quality training material * Conducted on the job training for auxiliary operators and electrical maintenance apprentices to evaluate effectiveness of craft training program and implementation of electrically safe work practices * Instrumental in obtaining initial accreditation of Electrical Maintenance Training Program for AP1000 Plant Work Processes * Developed Electrical Maintenance, Station Administrative, and Industrial Safety Procedures using COAN, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel to improve industrial safety, reduce human performance events, and incorporate maintenance best practices * Researched NFPA 70E standards, OSHA standards, and company policies to ensure incorporation of required electrical safety standards * Researched Combined Operating License, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, IEEE Standards, and Code of Federal Regulations to ensure incorporation of maintenance requirements and QC hold points * Implemented Preventative Maintenance Program to minimize downtime and increase plant reliability Major Projects: * Upgraded control system and power cells in Siemens Perfect Harmony Medium Voltage Drive to ensure equipment availability * Upgraded thyristor excitation system to GE EX2100E with power system stabilization to improve generator output control and increase grid stability * Replaced pistol grips with HMI controller to enhance synchronization capabilities * Upgraded generator protective relaying circuitry to improve fault detection capabilities and decrease transient response time * Upgraded Eaton 300 Series motor control center to Eaton 2100 Freedom Series motor control center to improve equipment reliability and personal safety * Upgraded low voltage Eaton switchgear by incorporating contactors significantly reducing single phase motor faults

