PROFILE Senior Executive with proven experience in the retail and branded business of apparel, watches, leather, accessories and footwear. Accredited leader in worldwide operations in both design and marketing, as well as P&L management. Success in brand/product launches, building subsidiary offices/staff, change management/department re-orgs, setting/driving product delivery through strict timeline implementation. Excels in leading employees and upper management through innovation and experience, while embracing flexibility in problem solving while maintaining clear ability to make decisions and stick to objectives. Seamlessly fuses personalities in the staff with company goals to create success on all levels of operation. AREAS OF EXPERTISE Design Direction & Management Sourcing Trend Guidance Department Turnarounds Preline and Sales Instruction Market Penetration Business Start Ups Strategic Planning/Implementation Organizational Turnarounds Revenue Growth SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Asked by the CEO to spearhead a complete reorganization of the Fossil watch design and merchandising department. Sales had dropped 30% over previous year. After two years of having taken the job sales we were up double digits in both department stores and Fossil retail stores. By creating a more desirable product and watching the inventory levels we were able to stimulate a week category. Global Designer of the year award, 1999. Chosen by Teen Magazine as one of four Jr designers to showcase one of a kind designs for NY's prestigious Fashion Week, Fall 99.