Occupation:Engineering Technician |
Location:Sunnyvale, CA |
Education Level:Associate |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary of Qualifications i E E T e b P T E E 015 resent G S C 2 - p E T I V S Maintenance quipment echnician V ishay iliconix, anta lara, A 997 015 S C C 1 - 2 M T V T Photo aintenance echnician LSI echnology NC., an ose, A 995 997 I S J C 1 - 1 Areas of Effectiveness M T C a m Line aintenance echnician: alibrate nd aintain utomated are f anon nd ltratec lign teppers, a c o C a U a s S a B S C c a d DNS, VG nd rewer cience EE oaters nd evelopers, ikon icroscope nspection tations, itachi N M I s H E M S N & K K a N Scanning lectron icroscopes urfscan anometrics afer urface nalyzers, luid nd W S A F a T U a M C Humidity emperature nits nd icrobar hemical elivery ystems. lue nd apor rime vens. D S B M a v p o t t u Execute roubleshooting echniques tilizing anuals, lectronic est nd easuring quipment ncluding m e t a m e i s o m f power upplies, scilloscopes, ultimeters, requency eters, edicated ontrollers nd oftware o epair or m d c a s t r f u t system p ime. Accomplishments a a w i a u o t P a p Participating nd ssisting ith nstalls nd ninstalls f ooling. M nd rocedure riting n rocessing w o p f D C T t tools or ocument ontrol. rained echnicians ith roubleshooting echniques. elected o articipate n w t t S t p i a s o p t d shutdown nd tartup f hoto ools uring acility aintenance. erti ied SO nternal uditor or SO/TS f m C I i a f I a s C t i 16949, utomotive ector. hosen o nterface ith rd arty afety uditors nd nvironmental ersonnel w 3 p s a a e p c e a s c when onducting quipment nd ite erti ication. anometrics afer urface nalyzers, luid nd W S A F a T U a M C Humidity emperature nits nd icrobar hemical elivery ystems. lue nd apor rime vens. D S B M a v p o t t u Execute roubleshooting echniques tilizing anuals, lectronic est nd easuring quipment ncluding m e t a m e i s o m f power upplies, scilloscopes, ultimeters, requency eters, edicated ontrollers nd oftware o epair or m d c a s t r f u t system p ime. Accomplishments a a w i a u o t P a p Participating nd ssisting ith nstalls nd ninstalls f ooling. M nd rocedure riting n rocessing w o p f D C T t tools or ocument ontrol. rained echnicians ith roubleshooting echniques. elected o articipate n w t t S t p i a s o p t d shutdown nd tartup f hoto ools uring acility aintenance. erti ied SO nternal uditor or SO/TS f m C I i a f I a s C t i 16949, utomotive ector. hosen o nterface ith rd arty afety uditors nd nvironmental ersonnel w 3 p s a a e p c e a s c when onducting quipment nd ite erti ication.
