Professional Summary: A proven professional with multi-faceted experiences as a Mainframe Programmer Analyst performing in the areas of finance applications, banking merger communication mailing, warehouse product location and pick lists, medical claims processing, brokerage industry customer statements, aerospace home office A/P, A/R, Invoicing and Journals. Skills Summary: COBOL, Syncsort, Quickjob, IDMS, DML/O, IEBGENER, IDCAMS, DB2, IMS, VSAM, FTP, X 12 EDI MVS/JCL, TSO/SPF, Endevor, Rumba, HOD, Panvalet, Z/os, Oracle, SQL, Bourne shell scripts running on Unix, AUTOSYS R11, Exceed, Putty, Xpeditor, FileAid, SPUFI, QMF, SQL Developer Tool and PeopleSoft 9.2 Support. Experienced with Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (CMMI) and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). Supported audits against controls by providing evidence and reduced costs by 20% by consolidating rules among applications. * Supported Enterprise Accounting Data Collection team using SQL, Autosys and PeopleSoft applications to setup state and control records for Data Collection of batches to book entries to journals from 60+ Business Units. * Reclaimed outsourced Mainframe Utilization Cost application from IBM and implemented to multiple business units over a 6 month period which reduced Enterprise costs by 30%. Awarded a bonus from the client for project success. * Reduced costs by retiring several systems using the Application Development and Sustaining (AD&S) retirement process flow. Awarded bonus for project success. * Achieved large budget savings because of efforts performed for the mainframe consolidations which included rigorous schedules and execution of testing plans and shut down activities. Awarded a bonus from Mainframe Reduction Team. * Collaborated with upstream and downstream teams to insure error free holiday processing. * Lead efforts looking for opportunities to improve performance and cycles times by removing obsolete code and jobs. This effort included stopping 100+ printed reports which were replaced by email reports or data downloads saving the business unit 70% in paper costs.

