Summary Qualifications As a Project manager for Verizon I have Planed and Scheduled installation of new or modified hardware, operating systems, and applications software. 1. Maintained systems configurations and manage installations and integration of systems fixes, updates, and enhancements. 2. Oversee/perform equipment installation or relocation, testing and acceptance processes. 3. Analyze and evaluate work concerned with integrated systems of computer programs and/or computer equipment. 4. Serve as Team Lead to manage a subordinate staff and oversee the development in advanced systems and software/hardware project efforts. 5. Develop and document systems administration standard operating procedures. * Experience with the internet and/or Network infrastructure technologies (Web Servers, SSL Certificates, FTP, DNS, DHCP, etc.) * Experience with administration of Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10, Server 2003 and Server 2008, MAC OS 10, Linux and Redhat. * Advanced knowledge of computer and server hardware. Familiarity with network troubleshooting.


Job Skills
