ADDITIONAL Defensive Driving - DriveSafeLA.Org * Radar Observer Recertification, Sea School, Bayou La Batre, AL * STCW - Leadership and Managerial Skills, Delgado Community College, NOLA * Confined Space Entrant/Attendant, Falck Safety, Houma, LA * Shipyard Competent Person, Falck Safety, Houma, LA * Certified Rigger, API RP2D, Falck Safety, Houma, LA * Certified Pedestal Crane Operator, API RP2D, Falck Safety, Houma, LA * Adult First Aid/CPR/AED, National CPR Foundation * Medical Care Provider, L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College, Houma, LA * H2S Safety Awareness Training Refresher, Hornbeck Offshore, Port Fourchon, LA * Basic Azimuthing Stern Drive Handling, Maritime Pilots Institute, Covington, LA * STCW - ECDIS Course, Maritime Professional Training, Fort Lauderdale, FL * Dynamic Positioning Advanced Course, Beier Radio, NOLA * DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation, National Environmental Trainers, Covington, LA * ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor Course, ABS Consulting, Houston, TX * Celestial Navigation, Houston Marine Training Services, NOLA * Train the Trainer - Specimen Collection Training, SECON, Lafayette, LA * ISO 14001:2004 Lead Auditor Course, ABS Consulting, Houston, TX * Dynamic Positioning System Induction Course, Houston Marine Training Services, NOLA * OMSA On Board Assessor Program, Hornbeck Offshore, Covington, LA * Train the Trainer, Maritime Pilots Institute, Covington, LA * Maritime Auditor/Lead Auditor ISM, ABS Consulting, Philadelphia, PA CERTIFICATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Part-time USCG Approved Instructor * Certified instruct over 30 USCG Approved Courses. * Received positive feedback from students.

