Dedicated, ethical, professional Pre-Trial Officer in search of a dynamic legal environment where my knowledge of the legal arena may be maximized. YOUNGSTOWN MUNICIPAL COURT 12/2013 to PRESENT PRE-TRIAL OFFICER/YOUNGSTOWN, OH ( Monitor compliance of individuals assigned to Electronically Monitored House Arrest. ( Assess candidates for the Court's Suspended License Intervention Program. ( Serve as intake officer for Defendant's referred to the Pre-Trial Diversion Program. ( Provide case information to Judges as requested. ( Act as a liaison between the Court and various Criminal Justice Departments. ( Refer probationers to appropriate service providers within the community. ( Coordinate information for the Court in individuals held in the Mahoning County Justice Center awaiting arraignment or initial appearance. ( Any and all duties assigned by Chief Probation Officer. YOUNGSTOWN MUNICIPAL COURT 2/2009 to 12/2013 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/YOUNGSTOWN, OH * All administrative tasks inclusive of incoming phone calls, provide answers to routine inquiries and/or refer to probation officers. Assist in providing routine information to court personnel and the public. Provide clerical and procedural support as needed. * Initiation of intakes for probation officers, attain all pertinent information of defendants inclusive of all court orders. * Interaction with attorneys and outside agencies regarding defendants. * Coordinate community service sites, track hours, ensure court requirements are fulfilled. * Conduct intakes for monitored time probation cases. * Preparation of monthly statistics and reports for Chief Probation Officer. * Preparation of pre sentence investigation and expungment files.