Summary of Activities During my career, I have been working in all phases of Instrumentation and Control Systems Design and Engineering. My assignments have taken me to many parts of the United States and the world, where my training and experiences have been used in the development and training of other Designers and Engineers. I have been active for over 40 years in the ISA, the international society of Automation, and I am a Life Senior Member. * I have a number of years of experience working in and around chemical plants and refineries. The following are some examples * In Cardon, Venezuela, I worked at the Maraven refinery for 18 months while the refinery was being revamped. I was responsible for all new instrument installation work, as well as all upgrades to existing systems. At the end of my assignment I was promoted to project engineer responsible for all instrumentation and control systems work. * In Tampico, Mexico, I worked on the Shell PET plant that was under construction for a year. I was responsible for all instrument installation work, including basic instrument installations to a weigh scale truck-weighing system. * In Point Lisas, Trinidad, I was lead engineering department representative as project engineer, during the final construction and start-up of an ammonia unit, responsible for instrument installations as well as local panel design, emergency lighting facilities and flare stack controls, and all other design engineering decisions. I would be pleased to take on the responsibility for the development of control systems design drawings for any type of refinery or chemical plant design.

