Routed large bore piping * Project require new equipment layout for tanks, pumps and heat exchangers in the old manufacturing facility. .Pipes required large bore stainless steel schedule 10 and needed to run straight with minimal fittings because product's viscosity. Utility lines, steam, condensate, water, used were standard pipe. * Work required general arraignment and elevations which was done in 2D using AutoCad 2011. heating/cooling lines from existing powerhouse to the main building Established steam stations (PRVs) and routed pipes for all the mechanical rooms containing air handling equipment and pumps. Loyola Medical Center (Maywood IL) * Coordinated designed and routed heating and cooling lines medical gases pipe and duct work for all floors Alexian Brothers Hospitals (Elk grove IL) * Upgraded their boiler house for a new chiller and pumping capacity. * Field survey for the placement of new equipment and tie-ins to existing lines.

