SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS * Have current 1st Grade Stationary Engineer's License - received in August 1998 * Stationary Engineering III certificate (120 hours) Houston Community College - 1993 * EPA Universal License * Some college level management courses - Houston Community College * Five years of Hospital Experience, running demand calls, performing PMs, and operating building automation system which includes centrifugal chillers, boilers, water heaters, cooling towers, air handlers, exhaust fans, energy recover units and fire alarm system. Ten years building facilities experience. * Have experience building work schedules, filling out time sheets, work permits, confined space permits, hot work permits, etc. * Intimate knowledge of Lock Out-Tag Out procedures and instrumental in bringing on line the Red Tag system at T.H. Wharton power plant. * One of only six Control Room Operators picked to cross train on other units at W.A. Parish power plant. * Full versed in confined space procedures. * 20+ years operating boilers, emergency diesel generators, and gas turbines, combined cycle power plants, coal fire power plants with bag houses and scrubbers. * Routinely test emergency generator and fire pump to meet fire code requirement * Experience operating switch gear - automatic transfer switches, etc. * Familiar with med gas systems, fire wall penetrations, and many Joint Commission standards. * Good understanding of computers and have worked extensively with MS Word and MS Excel. * Spent two years on a procedures writing team with Houston Lighting & Power (now NRG) * Can operate fork lifts, boom lifts, scissor lifts, most shop tools, and have on occasion operated front end loaders. * Fire brigade training from Texas A&M (hoses and extinguishers) * Strong understanding of HVAC system for buildings and building automation systems MAJOR STRENGTHS AND ACHEIVEMENTS * Good communication and computer and writing skills * Have received Employee of the Month award from previous two employer and two PIP awards from employment with Houston Lighting and Power (now NRG). * Instructor skills - Training NCO last two years in military and can develop detailed training manuals in MS Word. Can provide samples. PAST EMPLOYEMENT * 2012 to 2017 - ConocoPhillips/Zachry Industrial (facilities operations)

