Professional Summary * Over 17 years of consulting experience for financial institutions, financial service bureaus and government financial agencies. * Over 37 years of experience in programming, strategic planning, bank conversions, design, analysis, item/check processing, operations, vendor management, and management in a diverse environment of state and federal government, higher education, and financial services utilizing IBM, DEC, and UNISYS mainframes. * Managed large teams in bank conversion efforts moving banks from one banking system to another in a complex and multi-disciplinary environment. Tracked status of projects, and gathered documentation, identified and mitigated risk, coordinated and participated in meetings with stakeholders and functional managers. Managed resources, communications, document versioning and tracking, worked with stakeholders in various departments, and coordinated efforts with oversight management. * Over 20 years network experience utilizing Novell and Ethernet, DOS, Windows, Windows XX, Windows NT, Windows XL, Windows Vista, Microsoft Office, SQL, VISIO, Word, Excel, Access, Word Perfect, and Lotus 123. * Over 20 years Data Communications experience utilizing mainframe front end processors, host LAN connection, switched and leased analog communication, switched and leased digital communication, and high speed frame relay communication. * Over 37 years of experience programming, managing, and utilizing structured top down COBOL in a variety of applications, from warehousing and state income tax through all banking applications.

