
William W

Quality Coordinator - 20 Years of Experience - Near 33606


Quality Coordinator


Saint Petersburg, FL

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



COVER LETTER: While I was serving as a member of the Hillsborough County Department and Family and Children's Services Advisory Board, I found out about the Tampa Children's Home and the services it provided to children and their families in the area. The result was that my wife and I welcomed 2 severely emotionally disturbed teen brothers [15 and 16 years of age] into our home for 2 years. One of them we had met through the Tampa Junior Orchestra. He was a good cello player. Although we did not have direct contact with their parents [as neither did they], we received guidance from the Children's Home on how to work with the boys. We did receive a monthly stipend for housing and feeding each boy. Children's Home staff provided a minimum of monthly supervised contacts with the boys. We did visit the Children's Home frequently. We also did a lot of background reading on how to work with the boys. My background in public health, health education, and maternal and child health seemed to help me through the process. Because of research projects in which I was involved requiring visits to Tampa's inner-city neighborhoods, I had a pretty good idea of the challenges the boys had faced. I also was familiar with services provided by CMS. I have a solid background in Microsoft Word, EXCEL, and Power Point. I have taught at the graduate level with a focus on maternal and child health and have directed field-based programs both in the states and overseas on rural and inner-city training and supervision. As further background, my wife and I moved to Ramallah Palestine in 1965. I had studied Arabic for 4 years as an undergraduate as well as a year living in the Lebanese village of Shemlan where I also attended a British Arabic language school. I also worked on my Arabic in a Middle East Studies/Anthropology Master's degree at UCLA afterwards. In November 1967, we returned to East Jerusalem where I worked with the Lutheran World Federation [I was born a Scottish Presbyterian and became a Quaker in 1975]. While in Shemlan, I attended a Maronite Catholic Church for the year. Our oldest son was the altar boy for a summer in the Palestinian village of Taybeh while we were living there. Our 2 sons spoke fluent Arabic from birth. My first real work experience was of work I supervised being done on the Palestinian West Bank directing the building of schools, roads, playgrounds, village water systems, and the like at the same time I guided the weekly visits to 52 villages with a staff of around 60 working with 4 mobile clinics containing an MD, a nurse, an assistant pharmacist, and a driver/vision tester. In Ghana, I supervised public health nurses who were each supervising 8 community health workers each of whom were visiting 5 villages a week to identify and address community and individual health issues. These workers referred those they found with issues to the District Health Center. They also led infant weighing programs in the villages promoted oral rehydration programs and the like. In East Baltimore MD, while I was an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, we worked with inner city leaders in developing high blood pressure outreach programs. We also continued the program on the Maryland Eastern Shore. At the University Of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health where I served as Department Chair, I actually spent time teaching international public health courses in rural Haiti and Jamaica to both local and US graduate students. In Tampa, in the Department of Community and Family Health, while involved in the inner city communities of College Hill, Sulphur Springs, and similar communities, we focused on women with high risk pregnancies who were also involved in substance abuse. In New Orleans, while I was an Associate Professor at the Tulane Schools of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, I was an evaluator of a project by the City Health Department working with some three to four dozen community outreach workers in a project funded by SAMHSA. You can find published articles describing these projects in my CV. When we returned to Tampa, my wife and I spent two years as Foster Parents with the Children's Home taking care of, in our own home, two severely emotionally disturbed teen males. Since then, I have been teaching online health care management courses. I speak English, good Arabic, and some Haitian Creole, some German, and a bit of Farsi. I currently have two graduate faculty appointments: and


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