SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: I have over thirty years of experience working in the engineering business. I have twenty-five years in-house and six years of field experience. Regarding those years of experience, the most important milestone was receiving appreciation awards for outstanding performance while finishing under budget. My experience covers field surveying, and design of the following functions: motor schematics, loop diagrams, lighting, grounding cable tray, power distribution, equipment layout, heat trace, communications and fire-gas detection system. I am recognized for my persistence, diligence and focus toward getting the job done and I enjoy my profession and the rewards gained from it. (6 months) Office. Function-Create design package for all Main Substations. Function-Provide work duties and scheduling to Substation team members. Accomplishments-Designed construction package of Medium Voltage Substations to include equipment layouts, interior cable tray, bus duct, internal power distribution and MTO's. Accomplishment-Provided Construction Packages several weeks before schedule dates. Accomplishment-Attend training seminars. Applications - Auto-Cad/2004, PDS (3D Modeling software) and Excel Function- Ensure communication continuity from the Houston Office between all disciplines in addressing the needs and concerns of the project team and to attend weekly management meetings. Acquire, communicate and provide data in supporting the efforts of each discipline. Accomplishment- A successful communicate between disciplines due to consistent coordinating efforts and great team responsiveness. Accomplishment-Attend training seminars. Function- Create design package for all Main Substations. Function- Provide work duties and scheduling to Substation team members. Field Modify drawings per field changes, verify termination points and assist the Sr. Electrical Engineer and field personnel. Assignment - Alfarat Petroleum Co. Alfarat Syria- Modify drawings per field changes verify termination points as-built drawings per retro-fit and assist the Sr. Electrical Engineer and field personnel.

