Summary: Service in the United States Army for 10 years, worked as a government contractor for 15 years, and worked 14 years as an civilian for the federal government. Most of my work consisted of administrative duties, below is a breakdown of my accomplishments. Will be retired (estimated date) on 30 June 2017. - From Apr 2016 to May 2017 Security Specialist located at Stuttgart, Germany. o Prepared Personnel Clearances Investigation o Fingerprints (hardcopy and electronic) o Operations Security Training o Safe Combination Changes o Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and JPAS (Joint Personnel Access System). - From November 2014 to Apr 2016 Security Specialist for the Defense Contract Audit Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. o Prepared Personnel Clearances Investigation for Special Access Programs. o Operations Security Training o Safe Combination Changes o Schedule Indoctrinations throughout different government offices in the United States. o Only individual within the organization to work on a special compartment information computer system o Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Shattered Castles System and JPAS (Joint Personnel Access System). -

