PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY * More than 10 years of experience with many different Unix/Linux distributions. Used SuSE/RHEL for Linux, client server installations. * Enterprise Level High-Availability datacenters hosting online services for global enterprises with standard deployment stages. * Managed Services monitoring in the Network Operations Center for Fry/Oracle infrastructure, and client environment web, application, & database servers. Includes change control meetings for review/approval of stage/production level changes, and maintenance of Windows. * Monitoring Tools: Internal Cyclops' monitoring tool (Oracle/Fry's), Nagios, and some experience with SiteScope. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Oracle RAC cluster w/shared storage server build, configuration and documentation used as standard * Created a security review procedure used in identifying needed security changes to new & existing equipment * Designed, created, and implemented a PERL certificate monitoring process for client certificates ensuring timely renewal & prevention of expired certificates being on client websites * Automated >90% of the Linux build process reducing implementation & deployment times, verifying correct application configuration, and ensuring current security standards are being applied

