Program/Project Manager with over 20+ years of diverse technology experience in the financial industry supporting software development and infrastructure support. Hands on working with Business Analyst in the development and implementation of business process and workflows. Recently handpicked by senior executives to turn around underperforming projects and drive transformational change to incorporate PLC and SDLC fundamentals. Continue to use my knowledge and experience to provide highest level of service for my business partners weather consulting of projects or ensuring application high availability. Core Compentencies: Project Management (Agile/Waterfall Methodology) Business Process Improvement Network Support & Trouble Shooting Application Integration Team Manager & Lead Level 3 Escalation Desktop & Server Support Incident Management Vendor Relationship Management Network Security (Active Directory/Kerberos) Risk & Compliance Systems & Tools MS Office 2016 (Word/Excel/PowerPoint & Notes) MS Exchange MS SharePoint HP-Application Lifecycle Management MS Visio IBM Blue Works Live KTA (Kofax) IBM BPM Documentum DST Suite of Applications Crystal Reports MS Project Altassain JIRA MS Server 2005/2008 MS Windows 7/10

