Occupation:Law Enforcement |
Location:Woodbridge, VA |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
Over 28 years of Law Enforcement and leadership experience with a reputation for meeting the most demanding organizational goals and objectives. A focused and integrity-driven individual recognized by the Mayor of Washington D.C., Chief of Police, FBI, USSS, Diplomatic Security Protective Liaison Division, Presidential Protective Division, and several other Government agencies. Successes include: Selected to represent the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) on the Committee for Presidential Inauguration. Provided local intelligence to Federal Agencies. Tasked with securing travel routes for newly elected President of the United States by ensuring all CCTV cameras covering these routes were operational and implementing and utilizing crowd control procedures while managing MPD officers. During the past fifteen years has been a master law enforcement instructor for the Department of Homeland Security, dealing with law enforcement response to civil disturbance, crowd management, Incident Command System and Homeland Security Exercises and Evaluations. Worked closely with Government agencies to provide a secure and safe environment during National Security Special Events. Assisted with Critical Infrastructure working group for Department of Homeland Security Buffer Zone Protection Project. After September 11, 2001, at Special Operations Division, assisted in establishing the agency's first Homeland Security/Counter-Terrorism Branch and created an agency - wide chemical, biological, radiological or high explosive (CBRNE) incident response unit known as the Special Threat Action Team in 2006.

