PROFILE Key Skills: Project Management subcontractor's supervision planning reporting construction programs (Navisworks manage, documentum, Stargate, PTS) MS Office. As an organised and highly creative individual, I love the challenges of working within a dynamic and fast S A I P EM S H A H G A S D E V E LO P M E N T P R O J EC T (S H A H A B U paced working environment. The knowledge gained DHABI) from my corporate experience with company such as M EC H A N I C A L D I S C I P LI N E S U P ER I N T EN D E N T . Saipem has shaped my ability to adapt quickly, work J U N E 2 0 1 1 - F EB R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 efficiently, think creatively and work effectively as part of a team or on my own. AS A MECHANICAL DISCIPLINE SUPERINTENDENT, I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (PIPING, STR, STATIC/ROTATING EQUIPMENT) FOR ONE PROCESS UNIT WITH THE SCOPE OF 72000 FIELD WELDING DIA INCH AND 7500 TONS OF STEEL STRUCTURE AND 5000 TONS OF ROTATING AND STATIC

