Assumed the Spent 15 months as a Loaned Executive working with OCPS (Orange County Public Schools), the 12th largest district in the nation, to facilitate the restructuring of their construction and maintenance departments as well as develop the strategy for assembling and selling a referendum to the public for funding construction. The successful completion involved acting as temporary CFO (Chief Facilities Officer) for the district for some 9 months while a candidate was sought to fill the position. The referendum was successfully passed by local voters and resulted in an additional $2B in revenue for the district to use for replacement and renovation of its' assets. The Facilities Department was restructured and given processes and metrics for efficient prosecution of its work as well as ave its efforts visible for the public. Concurrently successfully hired the first Industrial Engineer employed by a Facilities Department in a Florida Public School system. Benefits of strategic analysis of programs utilizing the I.E. Department at U.C.F. (under internship) have proven very beneficial. I also held the title of Administrator of a public committee seated and sealed through the referendum to review all capital expenditures of the district (COVE, Construction Oversight and Value Engineering). I have and continue to hold this seat since responsibility of managing the deployment of a replacement CMMS system for Walt Disney World. Managed the initial deployment upgrades and enhancements

