Career Highlights * Promotion to Company 1st Sgt in recognition of exceptional service as a Senior Enlisted Advisor who sought to and succeeded in ensuring the safety of Marines on combat deployments. * Promotion to Senior Subject Matter Expert and always considered a point of reference when others needed assistance or support. * Consistently research and procure mission-critical items under budget by leveraging longstanding relationships and contacts both within and without the military. * Activated Marine Detachment at US Embassy Iraq (MNFI) under budget and within scope, due to countless hours of preparation and preplanning to ensure the safety and security of thousands of personnel at the Mission. * Saved the Marine Corps upwards of $1M by driving efficient approaches to security with zero reduction in effectiveness, attention, or quality results on dozens of missions over two decades. * Prevented harm to countless Marine and Navy corpsman and embassy/consulate lives at U.S. Govt facilities across the globe by implementing robust security measures through vetting and assessments. * Approached security needs proactively, succeeding in setting guidelines and trip-wires to tackle obstacles as they presented themselves while always prepared to modify plans with fluid situational shifts. * Increased security awareness and force protection posture at over 200 US Embassies and Consulates overseas. * Conducted Threat/Vulnerability Assessments, working closely with Regional Security Officers and Other Government Agencies. * Ensured a robust internal/external security posture in place in an active combat zone that kept US and Coalition forces safe in the middle of Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. * Chosen to teach at the ILEA's when employed for less than three months. * Chosen to activate Security Detachment in Baghdad - 1 out of 150. * Chosen to lead the MELD program - 1 out of 2000. SOP Development Budget Development / Fiscal Planning Discretion + Confidentiality Risk Mitigation / Threat Assessment Counter Terrorism Training High-level Training of both U.S. and Foreign Security Personnel HR/Personnel Counseling Qualifications * Qualified/FamFire with the M16A1 and M16A2 Service Rifle M203 Grenade Launcher M249 Squad Automatic Weapon * M240G Machine Gun M2 .50 cal MK-19 AT-4 Mossberg 540 UZI 9mm Remington 870 Shotgun Bannelli Auto Shotgun Beretta 9mm Service Pistol AR-15 Semi-automatic Weapon Colt M-4 Semi-automatic Weapon Colt SMG Semi-automatic weapon

