Summary Over twelve years of executive level management, serving as a General Manager, Regional Director, and Director in hospitals, CCRCs, and multi-family dwellings. Vast knowledge of Life Safety, NFPA 101, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. Track record of keeping customer satisfaction levels and employee morale extremely high, employee turnover low and operational budgets below approved levels. Experience building operational and capital budgets, overseeing capital projects and managing departments including Plant Operations and Maintenance, Environmental Services, and CAPEX. Professional Highlights Facility Management Budget controls, consistently performing under budget Employee motivation and coaching, reduced employee turnover dramatically Safety conscious, lead the way in organizational safety, providing weekly trainings to my staff and monthly trainings for the entire organization through Safety Committee meetings held by myself and my Director at our second campus. Sustainability Responsible for installation of Beta Site for Zero Liquid Blow-down system on three cooling towers Promoted Xeriscapes on CCRC grounds Total savings in water usage from CY14 to CY15, approximately 10.9 million gallons of water. These are permanent reduction methods and more are planned with future capital dollars Installed Demand Response switch Converted 600 acres of surrounding lands from agricultural to approved Wildlife Preserve, greatly reducing current facility's legal liabilities while maintaining their tax exemptions Changed lobby lighting and parking lighting to LED, worked with CPS to receive rebates for both projects, based on their energy savings Facility Compliance Successful track record of meeting and/or exceeding requirements of Authority Having Jurisdiction in fields of Life Safety, currently for five licensed facilities Successful in managing water rights and health requirements for current water plant operating under Edwards Aquifer Authority and TECQ Meeting and exceeding all requirements of OSHA in regards to employee training, setting up MSDS Online and beating current deadlines for training in GHS Disaster Preparedness Lead multidisciplinary team in writing organizational Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP) Wrote disaster manuals for four licensed facilities of the Blue Skies of Texas CCRC, and coordinating to get fifth facility written under our current Disaster Manual orientation, so it works within our CIMP Working with the South Texas Regional Area Command (STRAC), to standardize our disaster codes to theirs, and to set up disaster drills that include multiple facilities and regional fire departments

