in my classroom: To create a safe learning environment where all students can learn the material presented and achieve academic success. My goal is to help all of my students develop the skills they will need to continue on in higher education or any technical/professional field they chose to pursue. I believe the use of art, literature, music, hands-on learning activities, methods of researching, and critical thinking skills will help students develop a "love" for history and the skills needed for a rewarding career. Students will be able to analyze primary sources and use secondary sources to develop their own research and use that knowledge to understand the cause and effect relationships of significant events in history that affect their daily lives. Current activities: I am currently conducting educational historical research on educational policies and segregated schools in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado through counter-narratives. I plan to publish my dissertation research as supplemental material for Chicano studies or American history classes. Another of my long range goals as an educator is to create an afterschool program (based on the 5th Dimension model by Michael Cole) to aid our lower income elementary schools and to foster and environment where older students consider working with children as a lifelong career. Current Project: I have been asked to create a presentation to promote the Chicano Movement Archive for Colorado State University-Pueblo by Jose Esteban Ortega, a member of the Advisory Council. This project is in the beginning stages of development. I am also a contributor to the Colorado State University-Pueblo archive. In 2010 - 2011, my historical photos were used in a Hispanic Heritage Program at the Hoag Rawlings Library. Special Note: I was invited to the State Capitol by Lt. Governor Joseph Garcia to present some of my teaching methods, activities, and simulations to his Chief of Staff, Andrew Freedman on March 23, 2011. The focus of the presentation concerned the need for educational reforms in the current public school system and to create successful classrooms for the 21st Century student. Mr. Freedman can be contacted at (303) 866-2526.

