
Kevin M

Production Supervisor


Production Supervisor

Education Level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



Qualifications * Currently employed at Fibertech as supervisor on second shift. In charge of training, scheduling and ensuring quality products are being molded, trimmed and finished to industry standards. * November of 2016 hired at Tecomet as shipping coordinator. Responsible for inspecting, packing and shipping medical instruments foreign and domestic. Left Tecomet in January of 2017 for better pay and benefits. * * April of 2015 - October of 2016. Cree Grandview Warehouse Supervisor. Released from position because of company restructuring. 325+ people were laid off. * Responsible for 28-32 employees. * Responsible with increasing the process flow from receiving, put away, product movement and the shipping materials through freight, parcel, and pick up. * We boosted average orders shipped from 700-900 to 1300-1500 during peak times. * Added rack systems and changed floor layout to increase put away and product pick times. * Redesigned parcel pack station to add 2 additional stations within the same square foot floor space. * Set up new racks for better visual indicator of inventory and flow. * Working at Cree in the LED lighting industry for the past 5.5 years in manufacturing QA/QC department and as a Supervisor gives me the experience with people process reports and data that would make me a good fit for your QA/QC position. I have worked with Kronos Excel Word Micro Soft Office and used Quick books to manage estimates contracts and invoices. * * I have learned that consistent quality honest and fair treatment of employees are a good foundation to succeed





