COVER LETTER: Dear future hopeful employer: Are you looking for a Technologist with: More than 5 years of extensive training and hands-on experience working with a variety of different sleep disorders* Knowledge of the latest technology in sleep and PAP therapy* Excellent written and oral communication skills* A passion to learn and to increase her skills* If so, then you need look no further. You will see from my enclosed resume that I meet all of these qualifications and more. I would very much like to discuss opportunities to schedule an interview, please call me at (845) 332-7464. The best time to reach me is between 8:00AM and 6:00PM, but you can leave a voice message at any time, and I will return your call. Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I look forward to talking with you. Sincerely, Andra D. Castelli To Whom It May Concern, It is my pleasure to recommend Andra Castelli for a sleep position with your company . Andra and I have worked together at Albany Regional Pediatric and Adult Sleep Disorders Center since 10/14/2014, where I have been the Medical Director. Sadly, shifts in diagnostic and treatment paradigms as well as declining insurance reimbursement, have led us to the very difficult decision of closing the center effective June 1, 2017. Her talents are regularly put to the test through quarterly evaluations conducted through the AASM Interscorer Reliability assessment which tests Andra's scoring ability against "expert" scorers. She routinely achieves the highest grades, far exceeding their minimum requirements. Andra is a strong team player and has been flexible with her schedule. She will often help in administering daytime studies or setting up Home Sleep tests and will work nights administering diagnostic testing as well. This has maintained her skills as a sleep technologist and also has provided an opportunity to intercede first hand in identifying methods to improve on patient care and the data obtained. Her work is outstanding and patients often comment on the empathetic and professional manner by which they are treated. It is with the great confidence that I recommend Andra to join your team. As a dedicated and knowledgeable employee, I know that she will be a beneficial addition to your organization. Please feel free to contact me at 518-701-2000 should you like to discuss Andra's qualifications and experience further. I would be more than happy to expand further on my recommendations. All the Best, Siobhan Kuhar MD PhD DABSM Medical Director Albany Regional Pediatric and Adult Sleep Center

