Summary A detailed and highly experienced safety professional with record of achievement in site safety management, years of successful safety training with individuals and large groups, strong interpersonal relationships with customers and employees, and years managing customer sites without recordable injuries or lost-time incidents. Provided strong, effective safety leadership to ensure a workforce free of incidents and injuries. Accomplishments and Awards Recognized by Chevron safety management as a "senior red hat", responsible for managing safety for high hazard tasks including hydro blasting, confined space, and working at heights 20 years of annual customer awards for outstanding contractor safety performance 17 plus years and over 1 million man hours without an OSHA recordable incident or lost time injury Recognized and rewarded by BP refinery general manager for radically changing the safety culture of Veolia and other company / contractor employees throughout the refinery Received the highest award for all contractors in the plant, recognized as the "safest contractor" in the refinery for years 2012 and 2013 Managed safety program daily for up to 50 onsite employees. Managed safety programs during turnarounds of over 100 employees. Work completed without OSHA recordable or lost time incident Army Veteran with 2 years of distinguished service Accomplishments and Awards Recognized by Chevron safety management as a "senior red hat", responsible for managing safety for high hazard tasks including hydro blasting, confined space, and working at heights 20 years of annual customer awards for outstanding contractor safety performance 17 plus years and over 1 million man hours without an OSHA recordable incident or lost time injury Recognized and rewarded by BP refinery general manager for radically changing the safety culture of Veolia and other company / contractor employees throughout the refinery Received the highest award for all contractors in the plant, recognized as the "safest contractor" in the refinery for years 2012 and 2013 Managed safety program daily for up to 50 onsite employees. Managed safety programs during turnarounds of over 100 employees. Work completed without OSHA recordable or lost time incident Army Veteran with 2 years of distinguished service