Experience Summary Experience with Meaningful Use and more recently MACRA/MIPS. * Extensive knowledge of clinical processes in the clinic setting and have lead core teams to successful implementations. * Excellent analytical, organizational, listening and leadership skills. * 13 years' experience of Healthcare Information Technology specializing in Magic and Meditech Client/Server 5.55, 5.67 and 6.0. * 8 years patient care experience in a clinic setting. * Patient care in the field and in the ED * Critical Care Paramedic for 22 years Meditech MPM (Magic, Client Server 5.5, 5.67 and 6.0) * MIS * EAR (Electronic Ambulatory Record) * PWM (Provider Workload Management) * AOM (Ambulatory Order Management) * APR (Ambulatory Patient Record) * CWS (Community Wide Scheduling) * PCM (Physician Care Manager) * ITS (Report development and maintenance) Key Achievements Build and maintain the Meditech MPM Clinical software for doctors and staff to document on in the clinical setting in the Client Server Platform at Ivinson Memorial Hospital * Lead the Clinical Core team to successfully build the MPM Clinical Electronic Medical Record * Instruct and provide support for staff and providers on the EHR in the clinic setting * Continue to upgrade the software while working with other departments to insure that all areas of the software work together Assist with process protocol and policy changes to meet the ever growing Electronic Medical Record * Insure that the Electronic Medical Record meets Meaningful Use requirements * Continue to maintain and make improvements within the MPM software to work with the processes of the other departments in the hospital * Train all new clinic employees in the use of the Meditech MPM Computer software * Maintain staff computer competencies * Performed a successful clinic optimization to ensure the staff and providers of the clinic are using the system to stream line processes. * Build and maintain the e-MDs Solution Series Software * Implemented the clinical piece of the e-MDs Solution Series Software for private physician's office practices Maintain support (by trouble shooting issues) of the e-MDs office software for the clients of Medicine Bow Technologies

