As a dedicated professional with 30 years of construction experience. I have gained vast amounts of knowledge in many trades, and mastered many skills. With 15 years in the building maintenance industry and management experience, l consider myself a person who can handle any task required of me. My goal is to be a positive addition to any work place. I will become a part of and invest my knowledge to ensure the company's growth. l am interested in maintaining living and offices spaces For tenants who wishes to live worn/-free of any mechanical challenges. I appreciate any opportunity for employment or advancement. Summaryggf Qualifications from Current Employment 2014 - Present Hendersenwebb Baltimore Md. Service Supervisor/Property Manager 0 Manage 330 appointments daily 0 Manage 3 techs. 1 grounds person, daily ° Work with contractors on a daily basis » Do payroll every 2 weeks 0 Do Budges for the next year ¢ Keep bookkeeping records 0 Get bid proposals 1 ON-Call once each quarter-Managers call 10,000 apartment-20 techs. 0 Respond to all emergencies -fire-flood-and sewer back-ups 2010 - 2014 American Legion National (HQ) Washington DC. Chief Engineer » Responsible for 8 Story Building-Supervised 2 Maintenance Workers and 3 Mail Handlers » Overnight 81 Management of all Contractors and Contract Work o Installed and Maintained 50 ton HVAC Units with KMC Controllers 0 Plumbing services for all regulatory systems and installation of fixtures » Electrical services including installations and repairs 1 New Fire Pump and Phone system installations 0 Wall papers, Ceiling and Window Work v Flooring and appliances Repair 0 Honeywell alarm System and Eastern Fire Protection 0 Computer and Network Drops ° Office Furniture, Maintenance and Cleaning 0 Roof Generator Maintenance 2005 - 2010 I\/Iitcheil L. Dean Enterprises Dover Delaware Homes Services and Construction specialist 9 Build houses, garages, additions and other living spaces Q Remodel homes including paint, flooring, roofing, siding, driveways and major renovations w Install HVAC Units i ° Plumbing services for all regulatory systems and instailations of fixtures 0 Electrical services including installations and repairs ° Carpentry services including proper clean-up and disposal ¢ i\/iasonite and concrete work ° Welding and metal work ° Landscaping Services, Yard Care, Tree and Branch removal services e Home Appliance repair ' 1 Managed ali workers to ensure customer satisfaction and timely completion _ ', h@ - Bz ~ -is ' r"= = ~ mg' 0 Op¢=zaionenr1ma*n\:=nmneof`7b&sofgasE nnaces e e Mangg¢da1n2) 1s\=&oEdeaningpea~.sunne1'and c41duties. ` ° HnadufbuildingmednidansdcpaIhnmtandrmpomsiblefurassi@g&lymsks o US gea.ndmnint: nnnceo£cnmpany'sHc¢tvcbides ~»` sm=d=np1¢-vmavemamaamaa ___. ' as Woéedanddevelupednelaéoushipéiwiahalleqxipmentandappianceveudom e 2002 - 2004 Realty Management services Hyattsville, Mo - Senior Maintenance Technician/Maintenance Supcnfzlsor ° Worked within a 900 Unit complex competing service tickets ° Preventiye Maintenmce _ ° Handle ali apartment turnovers ° On-cell every 6* weeks 1995 - 2002 Calvert County Housing Authority Prince Frederick, MD ~ Maintenance Specslahbt and'Fac: zEzies .Manager ° Southern Pines Smior Center - Personally responsible for 76 unit facility ° t of on~ml1 tsechnicians and building service wo&ers 0 Plumbing services, maintenance and installation ' 0 Electrical services, maintenance and insmllation 0 Administered room and housing inspections while following County mandated regulations 0 Maintained an additional 100 units and other County regulated. housing H Required no complete proper administrative paperwork including employee evaluations, hiring, Bring and Housing Authority operations reports Q Propedy followed on-call code and prioritized my duties and commitment to the facility 1988 - 1995 Dean and Dean Enterprises - Vallylee, MID Owner and Construction Specialist - EDUCATLON High School Degree - Gtcat.Mi1L9 High ScI ooL Greathfille, JMD Carpenters Local 132 - 4-Year Vocations] Tmdc School Graduate pppppp - pppp ip pp 1979 - 1995 UuitedBrotI1e1's ofC2zpenter andforhers ofriznezfca, Upper Mandroxo, MID Delaware Home ImprovementLicense CFC.H'I7'.¢1C Cemfcd Universal Asbestos Removal License Cernlfed Ihr Lead Pa1&ztDisposs1 OSIL1 Safety Cettrfcation ' \ »..1` _ »~ ' ' i »¢ 1-:_'":_.°'::qn »»- -¢ _ -few ¢¢f_ 6267 _ _, ffl _ " _ _ - E _ Se ~ »<=@ SUP@~'S°f ' HENDERSEN- Wm" _ _, _££Y~ _ I hw 5 ` * 5 COVER LETTER: HI TCH5¥£ L_&E h new -~_. ._ QQ# -.___-_., ___* _ "` "~ _.'~i __, _____' _

