SUMMARY & EXPERIENCE Seasoned Proposal Manager that has led/assisted in writing/preparing well over 100 proposals. Expertise and capabilities include managing, writing, and preparing federal, state, and county government proposals as well as commercial proposals and grants. Proposal values vary from a modest purchase order to full-scale multi-million and billion dollar submissions. Has provided staff augmentation as proposal manager, management/ technical volume manager (Past Performance, Client Surveys, SOWs, resume template/submissions), WBS staffing and cost estimator, technical and management provider/writer, solutions architect, Red Team member, RFP document analyst, and Orals coach/manager. As a grant consultant, performed approach resolution, team and document reviews, and executive consultation. Experienced & Dedicated to Winning Proposals Pertaining specifically to proposal management, has extensive experience participating in corporate planning bid/no bid decisions based upon resource availability for proposal preparation strategy planning, approach, and follow through for proposal submission and post - award staffing and planning. Provides total support for a proposal effort, including proposal manager, volume manager, team reviewer, and past performance/technical writer/contributor using conventional and Performance Base Service Contract (PBSC) methodologies. Duties and responsibilities vary based upon the assignment and corporate support requirements and have included everything from RFP document analysis through packaging and delivery. Corporate and proposal management determined proposal and project (if awarded) staffing, costs, and proposal value. Document preparation schedules were met to include sufficient corporate and Red Team input/commentary/modifications. Has worked in many government sectors and created proposals including the Dept. of Justice, FBI, DLA, US Army, Navy, Air Force and NASA. Mr. Serritella participates in corporate planning bid/no bid decisions based upon resource availability for proposal preparation strategy planning, approach, and follow through for proposal submission and post - award staffing and planning. He provides total support for a proposal effort, including proposal manager, volume manager, team reviewer, and past performance/technical writer/contributor using conventional and Performance Base Service Contract (PBSC) methodologies. Duties and responsibilities vary based upon the assignment and corporate support requirements and have included everything from RFP document analysis through packaging and delivery. Corporate and proposal management determined proposal and project (if awarded) staffing, costs, and proposal value. His document preparation schedules were met to include sufficient corporate and Red Team input/commentary/modifications. As an Orals coach/manager, Mr. Serritella directed and met Orals requirements per RFP Sections C, L, and M. Additionally, this process includes team coaching and management, slide composition and compliance, rehearsals and time allocations, Orals Red Team reviews, redundant capabilities, and team de-briefing. The Orals portion of a company proposal submission is as critical as the written proposal development and delivery. It is to be taken seriously with dedication, passion, and professionalism.

