Occupation:Admissions Director |
Location:Austin, TX |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary of Qualifications Senior Product Management professional with over 20 years in healthcare, including clinical medicine, and related electronic records experience. Proven loyalty and progression in responsibility. Clinical background in both ambulatory and inpatient space. Experience in software development in multiple areas including front line beta user, software support technician, medical software trainer, clinical content developer and product manager. Strong track record of customer focus, drive for results and delivery of outstanding products. Accomplishments Memberships/Committees Member of EHRA Executive Committee 2010 - 2011 and 2014 - 2016 Member of EHRA Membership Committee 2010 - 2011 and 2014 - 2016 Vice Chair of EHRA Certification Workgroup 2010 - 2011 Chair of EHRA Patient Safety Workgroup 2014 - 2016 Participant in EHRA Meaningful Use, Certification Workgroups 2009 - 2016 Advisor on the HIMSS Ambulatory Steering Committee 2011 Speaking engagements HIMSS: Panel Discussion on Meaningful Use 2011 ONC Annual Meeting: Making Meaningful Use Meaningful 2012 HIMSS: Making Meaningful Use Meaningful 2012

