With ten years collectively in the automotive industry six being spent in management I've developed passionate work habits integrity and ethics that have been respected by not only customers but co-workers employers and all parties associated with a dealership including lenders vendors and manufacturer representatives. I strive to cultivate foster and attain a team philosophy that ensures both production and profits are maximized. I also served my country for over eighteen years most recently as a contractor for the US Department of State and the United States Marine Corps as a Intelligence and Security contractor in Hungary Turkey Cambodia and Iraq. In addition I have ten years active duty in the United State Army as a Counterintelligence Agent. I believe my experience in counterintelligence and interrogation has provided me a skill set that few in the car business know how to utilize. I have a developed ability to read and understand people that most in our business do not possess. I believe the experience gleaned from my military career coupled with my civilian experience provide me an advantage over other candidates that do not possess knowledge of both disciplines. Skills Summary * Excellent Communication and support of United Nations operations. Operated Tuzla, Bosnia, in support of United Nations peacekeeping operations. Operated as an M-60 machine gunner for force protection teams as well as personal protection details for senior ranking military and government officials including convoy escorts, surveillance and counter surveillance. Performed duties as regional intelligence analyst providing timely intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination. Conducted numerous briefings to US and multinational commanders. Worked in the HUMINT Analytical Cell providing target nominations for potential collection operations. Prepared and briefed the Commanding General Chief, Analysis Control Element (ACE) and the Director of Intelligence daily regarding current critical intelligence information. Performed duties as Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of counterintelligence for the XVIII Airborne Corp, ACE Operations Security Custodian, Intelligence Oversight Custodian. Camp Essayons, Korea - Performed duties as Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Camp Essayons CI Field Office conducting clandestine collection operations, force protection, and vulnerability assessments in support of the 2nd Infantry Division mission. Performed duties as Special Agent in Charge of the Camp Casey CI Field Office. Conducted/managed CI investigations to include clandestine collection operations, force protection and vulnerability assessments. Developed investigative plans, policies and procedures for the 2nd Infantry Division's CI operations. Planned and executed covert collection/ penetration exercises into military installations and facilities to evaluate compliance with established security procedures. as a Force Protection team member and M-60 machine gunner conducting CI Force Protection Operations including surveillance/counter surveillance covert collection low level source operations convoy escorts and personal protection details for senior ranking military and government officials. Performed duties as an analyst for the Counterintelligence/Terrorism section for the Central region. Duties include collection and analysis of raw data from twenty five target countries in order to publish up to date intelligence reports to over fifty subordinate commands.

