CAREER SUMMARY Entrepreneur, innovator, inventor, businessman. 15+ years of experience in both entrepreneurial and corporate environments in health care and chemical industry. Invented and commercialized disinfectant technology platform accounting for over $200 MM cumulative global revenue. Licensed technology to corporations in several vertical markets. Led innovation organization in $3B multinational company, including open innovation and external technology sourcing. Partnered with Finance and BUs to evaluate strategic investments in early stage companies and manage the investment portfolio. Founded and led two award-winning companies targeting industrial sectors, including pharma manufacturing. Developed technology and business strategies, both in entrepreneurial and corporate settings. Pitched extensively to prospective customers, potential technology licensees and both strategic and financial investors. Prepared and deployed business strategies, including full business plans, financial pro-formas, NPV and ROI analysis, budgets and project plans. KEY COMPETENCIES * Equally well-versed in business and technology spaces. 15+ years of building trust and relationships with scientists, engineers, customers, attorneys and investors. Experience on both sides of venture deals. * 7+ years experience either leading or co-leading small entrepreneurial ventures, one of them receiving multiple equity investments from different corporations. * 8+ years leading Innovation & R&D in $3B multinational corporation, including setting up Open Innovation program and responsibility for technical due diligence and representing function on negotiating team doing M&A deals and portfolio management. * Strategic project analysis and evaluation & business proposal development & delivery. Deep understanding of financial analysis tools, cost-benefit analysis and proposal preparation and delivery to maximize adoption success. * Written and Oral Communication - winner or finalist in national and state business plan competitions, author of several peer-reviewed and trade journal articles. Also featured in several media interviews. Pitched to investors over 100 times and have been pitched to by another 100+. * Unique perspective on start-ups - as founder and CEO. Found out- the hard way- what works and what doesn't, well versed in Ries' "Lean start up method", Blank's "Customer Development method", and Osterwalder's Business Model development. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS * 3rd place in 2016 Wisconsin Governor's Business Plan Competition - Mikroflot Technologies LLC * Winner of the 2015 Business & Research Entrepreneurship in Wisconsin start-up competition - OptikTechnik LLC * 2014 finalist in CleanTech Open accelerator - Mikroflot Technologies LLC * 2010 Diversey CEO Award, 2009 Diversey Presidents Sale Award * Recipient of 2006 Award for Most Successful US-Canadian company alliance - Canadian-American Business Council * Center for Creative Leadership, Best Leaders Program * Winner Student Paper Award, North American Membrane Society annual meeting, 1996

