Profile * More than 25 years' of academic and industrial experience. Experience includes lead engineer/consultant to several projects for both offshore and onshore industries. * Expert in dynamic simulation (UniSim Design, Hysys and VMGSIM), Operator Training Simulator (OTS) development (Refineries, LNG, GTL, Ethylene etc.), flow assurance studies (OLGA, Pipesim), extensive HAZOP studies, Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) and Consequence Modelling (FLACS and PHAST). * Highly experienced in troubleshooting upstream and downstream facilities (crude and vacuum units, fired heaters, hydro treating, gas sweetening and dehydration units). * Expert in de-pressuring and blowdown analysis, PSV sizing/rating, Mercury modelling, high pressure vessel rupture studies, and heat exchanger tube rupture studies. * Familiar with most LNG (licensed by APCI, Black Veatch, Linde, ConocoPhillips and IFP-Axens) and Ethylene (licensed by KBR, Technip/Stone & Webster, Linde and CB&I/Lummus Global) technologies. Key Competencies * Certified trainer of UniSim Design and UniSim Flare. * Expert in crude characterization using Multiflash and PVTSIM. * Expert in sour gas treating and sulphur recovery studies using Promax and Protreat. * Expert in Heat exchanger design and rating using HTRI and Aspen EDR. * Experience of all stages of oil & gas project design including unconventional oil & gas. * Familiar with all applicable codes and standards (API, ASME, NFPA, NEC, IEC and OSHA) related to process engineering. * Expert in preparing PFD, P&ID, M&EB, LDT and equipment data sheets. Experience with Technip Principal Engineer Houston TX USA (Sept. 2014 - August 2016) * Developed a UniSim Design Dynamic simulation model for the Propane and Mixed Refrigerant (MR) compressors implementing the vendor supplied performance curves and speed versus torque relationship. Also developed a model for the gas turbine drives. * Analysed the simulation results and made sure that the compressors shut down safely in case of trips and blocked discharge. Analysed whether a blocked discharge lead to exceeding design constraints or not. * Analysed the effect of settle-out pressure temperature and available torque and power at maximum ambient temperature and investigated the degree of depressurization necessary for safe start up from trip condition. Also established how long the compressor can operate in idle without quench. Also calculated the amount of quench necessary and the time when the quench should be introduced. * Carry out Seplat flow station de-bottlenecking studies. Developed a Hysys model considering the current configuration and proposed modifications. After establishing the benchmark capacity checks were performed for all existing equipment. Then the bottlenecks were identified and different measures were investigated to mitigate them. Finally evaluated the maximum production capacity achievable from the existing facility. * Evaluated hydrate mitigation measures for BP Orca offshore facility. Experience with Atkins Principal Consultant Houston TX USA (Dec. 2013 - Aug. 2014) * Studied and optimized an atmospheric crude column with 3 side strippers and 3 pumparounds. * Studied and solved the capacity loss of an atmospheric column. * Studied the heat exchanger tube rupture issue for an offshore production platform (BP) and verified existing relief system. * Investigated the Suncor Fort Hills fire safety issue involving Glycol regeneration unit found out the root cause and recommended options to prevent future occurrences. * Studied and solved the compressor issue along with its fin-fan cooler for Na Kika (BP) Topside facility. This helped avoiding undesirable trips because of the design issue of the fin-fan cooler. * Developed a mercury distribution model for Ichthys Topside Processing Facility using Multiflash embedded in UniSim Design. * Developed a dynamic OLGA model to study the pipeline for a gas gathering project in Nigeria (Shell). Also worked in collaboration with Honeywell and Schlumberger developers to solve the OLGA-UniSim Design link issues. Experience with Honeywell Application Engineer Houston TX (May 2007 - Dec. 2013) Developed an operator-training simulator (OTS) for Suncor Mississauga Lubricants plant. Developed the complete dynamic models for both the hydro-denitrification unit and the iso-dewaxing unit consisting of various equipment like separators de-salters heat exchangers fire heaters hydrotreaters pumps compressors and atmospheric & vacuum columns. Extracted all design control and interlock information from design documents and created a dynamic model of a LNG plant as part of an OTS model based on ConocoPhillips simple cascade process. Modelled feed gas handling and treating section and refrigeration & liquefaction section (Methane Ethylene and Propane refrigeration). Developed three separate Operator Training Simulators (OTS) for Showa Yokkaichi refinery in Japan. The three units were for Gas Oil Hydrodesulphurization Crude Distillation Unit and Vacuum Distillation Unit. Conducted MAT (Model Acceptance Test) FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) and SAT (Site Acceptance Test) for these projects. Studied and troubleshoot an oil-sand froth processing model for Studied and verified the control configuration of a SAGD facility of STATOIL Canada. Developed a dynamic heat integration model and the integrated dynamic model included Bitumen treating Water treatment Gas treatment Glycol system and Steam generation systems. Taught UniSim Design (formerly Hysys) and UniSim Flare (formerly Aspen Flarenet) courses as a Honeywell Certified Instructor to internal and external customers. Provided application and product support for Honeywell Proprietary software package UniSim Operations Suite and UniSim Design Suite. * Studied and solved a viscosity issue for an atmospheric stripping unit. * Investigated and solved the thermo-siphon reboiler issue of a high pressure service column. Experience with Spectra Energy Process Engineer Calgary Canada (Feb. 2007 - May 2007) * Investigated and solved the flooding issue with an amine stripper. * Conducted a complete performance evaluation of the Nevis gas processing plant sulphur recovery unit. Verified design data and developed Promax Models for two gas sweetening plants (Jedney-I and Jedney-II). Developed a model for the sulphur recovery section of the Nevis plant. Also simulated absorber stripper debutanizer and propane chillers of the McMahon plant for renovation. Later converted all these models from Promax to VMGSIM. Performed hydraulic calculations separators sizing pump and PSV sizing for Fort Nelson Extension Gas Processing Plant. Rated and debottlenecked existing flare system.

