of the study: To evaluate the outcomes of students from different professional health fields when collaborating with one another as a means to effectively better patient-care in the health system. Advisor: Diana Isaacs, PharmD., BCPS, BC-ADM ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCES August 2013 - October 2013 Internal Medicine Team C University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL Preceptor: Jennifer Austin, PharmD Responsibilities: Daily rounds with internal medicine team. Followed patients and their medications to ensure no drug-drug interactions were present and recommended drugs if needed. Calculated and monitored appropriate starting and maintance doses for patients. Did discharge warfarin counseling and provided patients with educational readings when needed. July 2013 - August 2013 Institutional (Operations) Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL Preceptor: Rachel Joseph, PharmD Responsibilities: Monitored patients' antibiotic levels and dose adjusted if needed. Went on rounds with different clinical pharmacists on their unit and recommended any needed drugs. Worked on a management workflow project for the pharmacy and presented it in front of the chief and head pharmacist. The ideas presented were taken highly into consideration and were incorporated in their workflow. June 2013 - July 2013 Ambulatory Care Specialty Physician of Illinois, Olympia Fields, IL Preceptor: Deborah Harper-Brown PharmD. Responsibilities: Monitored patients INR levels and warfarin. Doses were adjusted appropriately when needed. Educated patients and provided information to them after each visit. October 2013 - November 2013 Medication Safety University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL Preceptor: Bryan McCarthy, PharmD, BCPS Responsibilities: Attended meetings with medication safety team on new implementations, such as smart pumps. Presented drug information, journal clubs, and worked on drug par level projects. January 2014 - February 2014 Mail Order Pharmacy Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL Preceptor: Phil Nowakowski, PharmD Responsibilities: Shadowed the pharmacist in charge and his responsibilities throughout the day.

