Attended daily safety meetings and filled out JSA's (Job Safety Analysis) before each job. for shower, * restroom and laundry facilities recording time and location of each facility serviced. * Offloaded waste water into site 7 disposal tanks (currently Ecolog). . * Transported hazardous materials and ordnance. * Bus Driver - Drove departmental bus to transport employees to and from job site in the * mornings, evenings and to & from DFACs (Dining Facilities) at lunch. * Complied with all base camp safety and traffic regulations. * Inspected bus and checked oil, gas and water before departure. Service Department - Escort/Monitor * Escorted LNs in and out of the ECP (Entry Control Point) gate. * Explained job duties and made sure they had a clear understanding of how to perform * them safely having them read and sign (in Dari) daily TSTIs. * Transported and supervised LNs for cleaning shower and restroom facilities. * Supervised LNs for trash separation at landfill using Bobcats (trackhoes) for inside trash * area operations and 980 Caterpillar loaders to transport trash to incinerators. * Supervised loading, unloading, storage and transportation of hazardous materials * separating them by type as well as the safe handling, storage and transportation of * munitions and ordnance. * Performed maintenance on incinerators keeping compressors oiled, filters cleaned and * pneumatic lines cleared. * Replaced doors, top plates and screens on incinerators. * Operated incinerators. * Operated forklifts. * Foodservice/Escort/Monitor . * Escorted LNs in and out of the ECP gate. * Supervised and escorted LNs for all outside maintenance and trash disposal. * Also functioned as headcounter keeping track of each person that came in for lunch and * dinner, recording them by employer and armed force division. * Received written commendation from Department of Defense for job well done. Replaced blades collars and shafts in reactors. * Rigged heat exchangers and other equipment for pickers cranes etc.. * Opened heat exchangers and pulled tube bundles for cleaning and repairs. Blinded flanges rolled valves replaced valves gaskets and seals etc.. Attended daily safety meetings and filled out JSA's before each job. * Opened heat exchangers for cleaning and repairs. Hydrotested heat exchangers. Rigged heat exchangers. Replaced reactors. Attended weekly Dupont safety meetings and filled out JSA's before each job. * Constructed quality scaffolds time efficiently. * Rigged scaffolding supplies and other equipment for crane.

