SUMMARY: 30 years Clinical Research experience and home-based monitoring experience 12 years Oncology monitoring experience 12 years Pediatric Nurse experience 10 years Inform EDC experience and 6 months IMedidata experience 4 years as CRA trainer/mentor 3 years as Local Site Liaison/co-Clinical Monitoring Lead/Clinical Monitoring Lead THERAPEUTIC AREA EXPERIENCE: Oncology-12 years Non-Small Cell Lung-Phase III Colon-Phase III Breast-Phase III ALL-Phase II Cardiovascular- 5 months HDL (patients with stents, hypertension or past MI)-Phase I Central Nervous System-2 years General Anxiety/Panic Disorder-Phase III Dermatology-2 years Psoriasis-Phase II Endocrinology-1 year Diabetes-Phase II Infectious Disease-3 years HIV-Phase II & III Neurology-4 years Multiple Sclerosis-Phase II Rheumatology-3 years Rheumatoid Arthritis-Phase III Urology-6 months Male Urology Issues-Phase IV Women's Health-3 years Infertility-Phase II Anesthesia-2 months

