Summary Over thirty-six years of practical application experience (twenty-four years in Nuclear Power construction, design and operation and twelve years in Fossil Power construction and design) in the areas of electrical engineering including electrical system design, installation, testing, and evaluation. Experience includes installation, inspection, and evaluation of seismic supports. Start-up engineering experience includes testing components, systems, and balance-of-plant. Planning and scheduling experience includes maintenance and outage planning, system/component scheduling for maintenance, and outages. Tennessee Valley Authority experience includes electrical Project Manager, Responsible Engineer, Field Engineer, and Senior Design Engineer on multiple projects including designing, checking and reviewing drawings for various projects. Extensive ICRDS experience. Responsible Engineer for multiple projects in Fossil Power Group Design. Worked at Bellefonte Nuclear plant on open items list. Twenty-four years worked for Tennessee Valley Authority as a direct employee and 12 years as a contractor for these various firms: (Raytheon, Bechtel, Stone & Webster, Ebasco, Fluor Daniel, and WorleyParsons).

