PROFILE Dynamic 27-year career with experience in the Oil & Gas Industry, my career has covered a multitude of experiences in Process Safety Management, Assurance, Regulatory and Compliance, Operations Competence, Asset Integrity, Operational Support Roles, Operations and Maintenance with exposure to different Lines of Business within Shell Oil & Gas Exploration Production Company Innovative strategic development and implementation of the Process Safety and Asset Integrity Management System that provided a holistic lens for consistent alignment of critical processes across the portfolio coaching and mentoring at all levels of the business. Leading relationship development in all critical segments in maintaining a consistent approach ensuring that best practices were shared and duplication of work was eliminated without diminishing integrity and maintaining compliance, accountability and setting visual goals for threshold achievement Outstanding success in development and implementation of the first visual tool that portrayed relative strength of the full spectrum of Asset Integrity and Process Safety aspects across the portfolio, this tool has been included as a best practice in the Global Guide for conducting Managerial-level Process Safety Risk Reviews

