CNC Machinist Work well with others and alone. Supervisory experience, motivated and a lot of experience in the machining industry. JOB HISTORY/DUTIES CNC Specialist Orluck Industries, Elk River, MN ELK RIVER, MN Start Date: 05/2010 End Date: 02/2015 Set-up and operate the various pieces of CNC equipment available. Effectively operate a variety of vertical and horizontal machining centers and turning centers. Orluck Industries, Elk River, MN 763-633- 6005 CNC specialist/night shift WSI Industries Monticello MN Start Date: 05/2008 End Date: 05/2010 Set-up and operate the various pieces of CNC equipment WSI has available. Effectively operate Hass, Toyoda, Okuma, Makino, & Various tool room equipment & responsible for running CMM programs on various tool room equipment & responsible for running CMM programs on various parts. Own and operate Mill power, Accurate 2 axis CNC tool room type machining center. WSI Industries Monticello, MN. 763-295-9202 CNC specialist/ Day Shift Supervisor MMD Rogers, MN Start Date: 05/2006 End Date: 05/2007 Set-up and operate Haas VF2 Vmc's, Hass VF5 30 hp. Vmc's Set-up and operate Roku-Roku HC-435's, GR-435N's, GR-685N High speed Machining centers, . Metro Mold and Design is a modern and well known mold building shop. CNC Specialist/ Weekend shift Supervisor MMD Rogers, MN Start Date: 06/2002 End Date: 06/2006 Set-up and operate Haas VF2 Vmc's, Hass VF5 30 hp. Vmc's Set-up and operate Roku-Roku HC-435's, GR-435N's, GR-685N High speed Machining centers, . Metro Mold and Design is a modern and well known mold building shop. Faulkner Machine/Iker Manufacturing, Zimmerman MN 763-856-5082 Set-up and operate Fadal Vmc's. We did short run production and tooling, fixturing, WEDM, and assembly. Toolroom machinist/Proction maintainance Advantek Inc Minnetonka, MN Start Date: 05/1999 End Date: 06/2002 Tool Room machinist/Toolmaker/Maintenance Job duties: Build and repair tooling for presses that manufactured process carrier tape, Theses were embossing style presses, but some of the prototype equipment, This was a weekend position. Did short run production and tooling, fixture, WEDM, and assembly. Tool Maker/CNC Specialist /WEDM operator 3-D CNC Inc Hutchinson, MN Tooling, Prototype set-up and operation of Mitsubishi wire EDMs, Miltonic CNC VMC's and manual Tool Room equipment including several Milpower Accurite Bridgeport style machines. Set-up and operation of Brown and Shape (Reflex) bench top CMM. Use of Smart Cam Software for editing programs and programming CNC equipment, including testing and calibration of the CNC equipment in the shop. Tool Room Machinist/CNC Specialist Hutchinson Technology Inc Tooling and prototype set-up for I=operation and program Bench Top CMM (Zeiss). Set-up and operation of all types of tool room surface grinders. Tool Room Machinist Remmele Engineering Inc Making tools and fixturing, usage and operation of Bridgeport Mills, Tool Room Lathes, Surface Grinders, Harding Chucker's, Monoset Tool Grinder an oxygen/acetylene gas welding for brazing of cutting tools. Tool Room Machinist Remmele Engineering Inc Making tools and fixturing, usage and operation of Bridgeport Mills, Tool Room Lathes, Surface CNC Grinders and creep-feed grinders and oxygen/acetylene gas for brazing of cutting tools. Operation of optical comparator, and inspection equipment for qualification of tools and fixtures. Title: Prototype & First Run Jobs Responsibilities: Set-up and operation of various manual/CNC machines for prototype or first run parts. Title: Machine Operator/Set-up Man Responsibilities: Operation of various manual CNC Mills/Lathes on multiple piece production run _ Completed Remmelee's three year Apprenticeship Program for Machine operators at this time Trainee Remmele Engineering, Inc St. Paul, MN Producing small piece parts for customer and for assembly in special machines-Attended the St. Paul AVT" I enrolling in the following classes for Apprentice Machinists: Blue Print Reading Geometry Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerance Handbook I (machinist) Trigonometry USS Prairie AD United States Navy Hull Maintenance Technician San Diego Naval Station Shi[ fitting, Pipefitting, sheet metal gab. Carpentry, canvassing, welding (all types), fire fighting, damage control and member of Duty ASROC Security Force. The USS Prairie was a floating repair facility. Hull Maintenance Tech. Trainee Naval Technical School Philadelphia Naval Station

