in Developed and implemented the company's first retail employee succession plan, proactively looking ahead to ensure necessary talent was available to meet anticipated annual growth of 25%. This plan provided additional advancement opportunities and critical leadership training for current staff and effectively integrated external talent. More than 80 people attained leadership roles in just four years due to this plan. Collaborated directly with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Instant Check System (NICS) to spearhead the transition of e-4473 background checks from paper forms to an electronic system. This change slashed the time necessary to complete a check from 11 minutes to under two minutes, and significantly reduced the risk of human error in firearms sales, which account for 30% of the company's total annual sales. Cabela's was the first retailer to implement electronic checks, which increase safety and protect 2nd Amendment rights. Other companies have modeled this system as they transition their own verification processes. Cabela's attained the Partner of the Year Award from the National Shooting Sports Foundation in recognition of this partnership. Actively fostered an environment in which employees were encouraged to give back to their communities. Developed two programs which resulted in nearly $10 million being distributed to communities across North America in which retail stores are located, and to national efforts which support outdoor sports and activities. just four years through organic and new store growth. Total retail revenue for this region increased from $280M to $600M during tenure. Oklahoma and Texas. Grew Arizona market from one store to 15 stores during my tenure increasing market share annually in a competitive environment. Launched aggressive sales strategies focused on key target markets and clientele leveraging consumer trends and field research to improve specialty sales and market presence. Increased business-to-business customer base by 20%+ by encouraging involvement in local communities.


Job Skills
