COVER LETTER: Thank you, Steve 3355 TURTLE VISTA CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 STEVEN P. SION, ESQ. BAR #4053 (Inactive Status- Will activate as necessary) CELL: 702-580-4277 E-MAIL: SSION@Cox.Net I am an experienced tax attorney with a J.D. from Boston Univ 1983. I was involved with all aspects of real estate investments from syndications, tax shelters, acquisition, finance, and of course, property management. As such, I feel I can do almost anything with regard to real estate. As President/CEO of The Marst Corporation, I directly acquired Millions of Dollars of real estate as well as secured first mortgages as well as secondary financing for investment purposes and leverage, including hypothecating, pledging, or otherwise assigning investor notes to increase leverage. As President of Regency Estates Home Owners Association (in Las Vegas), I chaired all monthly meetings and dealt with all legal matters relating to the Association for over 5 years in the early 2000's. I have acquired and sold companies that were traded on NASDAQ. I'm 63 years old and ready for a new challenge with a suitable company. I am very experienced at managing large groups of employees and supervising all pertinent legal and financial matters. Thank you. Brief "biography/resume" of Steven Sion

