Career Research and Resources for Companies in VA


Military & Government - Air Force - Crystal City, VA

Principal Acquisition Consultant supporting the Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. Responsible for representing Air Force equities to the Joint Program Office as functional logistics analyst and financial manager.

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Defense Logistics Agency

Military & Government - Air Force - Fort Belvoir, VA

Defense Logistics Agency Principal liaison to the Air Force. Responsible for effectively managing Service specific requirements and DLA's engagements with the Air Force logistics support teams and customers. - Responsible for effectively managing Service requirements and DLA engagement with all 4 DLA Product Centers. -Increased Service support and Introduced market segmentation strategies with sales increases generatin...

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Air Force - Arlington, VA

Business Consultant to the Department of Defense Most recent support was to provide direct on site support to the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Joint Vehicle Program Office. Acted on behalf of Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and represented Service interests, provided oversight of system integration and fielding of 815 heavy armored vehicles and logistics support for assets based in the continental United Sta...

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Stratford University

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Falls Church, VA

Developed Health Sciences Programs, Faculty, Advisor/ Registration/ Administration Coordinator

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Branch &associates

Construction & Extraction - Operating Engineer - Roanoke , VA

full field control

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

IBS Paper Performance Group

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Engineer - Chesapeake, VA

Installation and service of various equipment on paper machines. Training of production and maintenance personnel. Worked extensively with mill engineers, as well as other departments. Extensive domestic and international travel. Assisting sales reps domestic and overseas.

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5


Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Glen Allen, VA

Depending on the needs of the client, I: research grant availability for specific projects; develop specific projects to meet grant parameters; submit grants to funding agencies; write follow-up reports as required. by awarded grants.

Avg. Salary: $2,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Richmond, VA

To plan, deliver, and assess developmental English students' lessons in order to prepare them for credit-bearing courses

Avg. Salary: $2,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Academic Year in America

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Richmond, VA

*To find private or public high schools (HS) that will accommodate foreign high school students (FS)for a year or a half-year of study. *To scout and interview potential host families for foreign high school(HS)students who attend U.S. schools for one to two semesters; *To match Host Families with foreign HS students. *To maintain ongoing communication among, HS, FS, Host Families and AYA and to serve as liaison among th...

Avg. Salary: $2,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

VA Department of Correctional Education

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Richmond, VA

To plan, deliver and assess the DCE HS curriculum to HS students who are incarcerated with DCE.

Avg. Salary: $2,500   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5