Career Research and Resources for Companies in NY

Grey Direct

Marketing & Advertising - Manager - New York, NY

Group creative director and hands-on art director

Avg. Salary: $127,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5


Marketing & Advertising - Manager - New York, NY

Group creative Director and hands-on art director

Avg. Salary: $127,500   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Metropolitan Bank

Clerical & Administrative - Administrative Assistant - New Yor, NY

Assist the Compliance Manager in the day to day compliance reviewed work

Avg. Salary: $55,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Schneider/Pfizer Labs.

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - NYC, NY

Responsible for selling and in-servicing of PTCA-angioplasty devices.

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

NDM Corp/Kendall Corp.

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - NYC, NY

Responsible for sales of EKG and electrosurgical electrode, coordination of 8 AHS representatives.

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Genesis Capital Group

Accounting & Finance - Financial Analyst - New York, NY

Perform asset allocation analysis and risk management for institutional and retail clients. Foster relationships with foreign counter parties to manage foreign investments through Goldman Sachs. Conduct due diligence of foreign pension funds. Perform financial statement analysis and use valuation models for securities valuation to reduce risk levels according to investment strategies. Assist managing of client investment p...

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Worldwide Asset Management

Accounting & Finance - Financial Analyst - New York, NY

Worked directly with CFO and VPI in portfolio allocation for institutional and retail clients. Performed due diligence of hedge funds with alternative treasury strategies. Assisted in launching of a hedge fund. Created and maintained presentations and reports for advisers and management. Identified inefficiencies and made improvements in the business operations of the firm.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

DELN Corporation

Accounting & Finance - Financial Analyst - New York, NY

Managed competitive research/analytics by leveraging various resources to gather relevant industry benchmarks for web-metrics. Reduced fixed costs and opened new sales channel. Developed/maintained repository of competitive intelligence and comparative statistical summaries for the retail sector. Identified and developed data collection strategies to support reporting on KPI's that directly measure business value of online ...

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Rudman Capital Management

Accounting & Finance - Financial Analyst - New York, NY

Conducted complex analysis, interpreted results, benchmarked against other hedge funds and ensured proper utilization of risk management techniques in a wide variety of evaluations and uses across all portfolios using PerTrac. Collected, interpreted and maintained financial models of equity securities to assist CFA’s with portfolio management. Responded to both internal and external queries in a timely manner working with M...

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

RPI Center for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

Engineering & Architecture - Electrical Engineer - Troy, NY

As an undergraduate researcher with the NEES I was able to noticeably hone many key electrical engineering skills. A few include Labview data acquisition and programming, precision soldering, and LVDT installation and calibration.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available